cicerone 1.0.4

  • Force title and description so one can use htmltools tags.
  • Support for mathjax, see online guide for details.

cicerone 1.0.3

  • Add tab and tab_id arguments to trigger open tabs.
  • Add is_id argument to step and highlight method to allow using other selectors than #id, see #7
  • Add on_highlighted to run JavaScript functions when the step is highlighted, see #13
  • Added on_highlight_started and on_next to step functions see #15

cicerone 1.0.2

Deprecated the has_next_step, get_previous_el, and get_highlighted_el methods, which were partly broken and mainly inadequate, in favour of get_next and get_previous methods. They contain all the information that was returned by the methods they deprecate and work better. They are fired when the user clicks next or previous.

cicerone 1.0.1

  • Initial CRAN version